Making Waves is a stuttering pride flag that represents stuttering as natural as whirling waves and calm creeks.
Making Waves: A Stuttering Pride Flag
October 2022
Note: we use stammering and stuttering interchangeably

What is stuttering pride?

To us, stuttering pride is a belief that stuttering voices are valid and important. It is a hope for a future in which people who stutter are respected and included. It is a movement to create this change and celebrate stuttering culture.

Why make a flag?

Flags have been crucial tools in political rights movements throughout history. A flag can be a powerful, galvanising symbol for a group, but also something with inherent meaning that is unique to each individual. We came together as a group to make a flag that visually embodies the values, ideals and hopes of stuttering pride. We understand stuttering itself as a political act. With this flag, we take pride in our speech disability.

We hope people who stutter and their allies will be brought the same joy, inspiration and sense of solidarity as the flag has brought us: that the flag can bring us together as a community, as well as encourage each person on their own stuttering and life journeys too.

We want to acknowledge that this is a stuttering pride flag, not the stuttering pride flag. It’s up to people who stutter if they identify with this design and approach we have taken. This flag is an invitation.

Why waves?

Water has long been associated with stuttering and speech. The Egyptian hieroglyph for stuttering features a wave-like motif. The iceberg analogy has been useful to people who stutter to understand their experience of stuttering and has recently been powerfully reframed by Nina G using the lens of stuttering pride.

As a group, we discussed Jordan Scott’s book I Talk Like a River that showed us how water can be used to illustrate the nuances in the stuttering experience. So too, JJJJJerome Ellis’ The Clearing that poetically relates stuttering to water and nature. We were eager to build upon this work by the stuttering community in a meaningful way, emphasising that stuttering is as natural as whirling waves and calm creeks.

Conor Foran designed the flag following a collaborative process and conversation with the team supported by allies.

Community (sea-green)

Symbolising the existing community that has used this colour for stuttering awareness since 2009.

Nature (wave motif)

Symbolising stuttering as a natural, varied phenomenon.

Liberation (ultramarine)

Symbolising the progress and passion of the stuttering pride movement.

A portrait of Conor Foran smiling at the camera and wearing a cap.
Creative lead
Conor Foran
is an Irish person who stammers and a creative practitioner living in London. He believes art and design have the power to transform how we see ourselves as people who stammer; he hopes this Stuttering Pride Flag will do just that.
A portrait of JJJJJerome Ellis: he is looking directly at the camera, with a smile.
JJJJJerome Ellis
is an animal, artist, and proud stutterer living in Norfolk, Virginia, USA. He is so grateful for all the care and acceptance he has received from communities of people who stammer and their allies.
A portrait of Kristel Kubart: she looks back at the camera with a large smile. Her long blonde hair falls down by her right shoulder.
Kristel Kubart
is a person who stutters and a passionate speech therapist living in New York City. As someone who was very ashamed to stutter growing up, who eventually learned to take pride in her stuttering, she is delighted to have been a part of creating this stuttering pride flag; she hopes that the flag helps others embrace stuttering as a beautiful part of human diversity!
A portrait of Laura Lascau: she is looking directly at the camera with a smile, wearing glasses.
Laura Lascau
is a stutterer originally from Romania, currently working as a researcher in the UK. Laura believes in the power of individual and collective action, and she hopes that a stuttering pride flag will mobilise further action towards destigmatising stuttering.
A portrait of Patrick Campbell: he is wearing a t-shirt, and is looking off into the distance, as he speaks.
Patrick Campbell
is a person who stammers and doctor living in Leeds, England. He has found strength and joy in the process of making the flag and hopes people who stammer and their allies find the same things in the flag itself.
A portrait of Paul Aston: he is wearing a bright yellow jumper. He is looking off into the distance with a smile, his face turned at a three-quarters angle against the camera. Behind him is a painterly blue backdrop.
Paul Aston
is a gardener and painter who lives with a stammer. Paul loves the wave pattern in the flag celebrating the natural roots and different flow of stammered speech. Paul hopes, when you see it unfurl, that the flag helps you feel embraced by the community of people who stammer and our many friends.
A portrait of Ramdeep Romann: this is a painted portrait, by Paul Aston, of Ramdeep in his doctor's scrubs, looking upwards with a smile.
Ramdeep Romann
is a person who stammers and works as a doctor in the NHS in England. In discovering the stammering community, he has found his tribe, and this flag and the way it came about reminds him of the incredible resilience of this beautiful community.
Supporting allies
Bart Rzeznik
Daniel Caulfield-Sriklad
Kimberley Dines
Sam Simpson
Voon Pang
download the flag
The flag is seagreen and ultramarine blue waves.
Stuttering Pride Flag © 2022 
by Conor Foran is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. The flag must not be used to incite hate or discrimination of stuttering or anything else.

Social media

Feel free to post the flag on social media if you’re a believer in stuttering pride.


We encourage you to use the flag in your own art and advocacy, as long as it is not being sold for profit. You are free to download the flag and use it for yourself as you wish. You do not need permission for personal use. Crediting us in this case is optional, although we’d love to see the ways you use the flag.


We welcome stuttering charities to use the flag on websites and promotional material to advocate for the values of community, nature and liberation. However, if you wish to print or sell the flag in a physical form or make flag based merchandise, we ask that you please get in contact with us at [email protected].


Please email us at [email protected] if you are:

  • A business or manufacturer who wants to create a product using the Stuttering Pride Flag design.
  • A small business, organisation or artist who wants to use the Stuttering Pride Flag design in commercial artwork. We want to support stuttering artists in this endeavour; to do so, we need to provide you with a free licence.
  • A big business, organisation or artist who wants to use the Stuttering Pride Flag design in commercial artwork. Please get in touch so we can work with you to ensure the intention of the flag is retained in your endeavour before we provide you with a licence.